You can check out, the installation of programming languages on daemons doesn't fully work yet but the basic server and daemon setup, including automated passwords, works.


On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 11:29 PM Michał Kaczanowicz <> wrote:
Hello everybody!

My current task is to deploy domjudge - or more precisely, to create a
"one click deploy" configuration. I aim to use docker images of
domserver and domjudge. I'd like to accomplish my task using docker and
docker compose. But here comes a slight problem. After setting up
domserver, I need to set new password for judgehost user. Setup manual
suggest to do it "by hand", via web interface on admin account. Is there
a way to do that programatically, e.g. simply updating password for
judgehost user in domjudge.user table? How is the hash computed?

Best regards,
Michał Kaczanowicz

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