HI Tanmay,

What version of DOMjudge are you using? It seems that is 6.x or lower, am I right?
You could try upgrading to 7.1 to see if it works better there.

Do note that DOMjudge has not been created with the idea of having such a big number of problems, so it might still not work. However if you are still facing the issue with 7.1 and we can find an easy fix, we can see if we can implement it.


Sent from my iPad

On 5 Oct 2019, at 21:21, Tanmay Bansal <tanmay17268@iiitd.ac.in> wrote:


I want to create a contest on Domjudge with more than 1000 problems in it. But when I tried to do so, I got the following error message: "error: Unknown action" (screenshot attached).

On investigating further I found out that I am not able to create a contest with more than 150 problems. That is, I start getting the above error after I have added more than 150 problems

I have tried increasing the following limits in php.ini file, but I was still facing the same problem:
1. max_file_uploads
2. max_input_vars
3. memory_limit
4. post_max_size
5. upload_max_filesize

Please tell how can I solve this problem?


Best Regards,
Tanmay Bansal
<Screenshot from 2019-10-05 20-48-22.png>
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