Hi Leandro,

You can do this by creating a small wrapper script around the generated executable. See for example the Java compile script how to do this (or any of the compile scripts for interpreted languages).


On August 24, 2015 3:45:27 PM GMT-03:00, Leandro Zanotto <leandro.zanotto@gmail.com> wrote:

I need to run MPI code, so for compiling phase it is ok I run mpicc -lm -static -DONLINE_JUDGE -DDOMJUDGE -o $DEST "$@"  at my run file.

But to run the program, I need to use mpirun -n 16 ./compiledcode  the 16 is the number of process I have and should be configurable as the -n flag. I didn't find it on Manual.

Thank You

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.