Adding contest data in bulk

DOMjudge offers two ways to add or update contest data in bulk: using API endpoints and using the jury interface. In general, we follow the CCS specification for all file formats involved.

For using the API, the following examples require you to set up admin credentials in your .netrc file. You need to install httpie and replace the <API_URL> in the examples below with the API URL of your local DOMjudge installation.

Importing team categories

There are two formats to import team categories: a JSON format and a legacy TSV format.

Using JSON

Prepare a file called groups.json which contains the team categories. It should be a JSON array with objects, each object should contain the following fields:

  • id: the category ID to use. Must be unique

  • icpc_id (optional): an external ID, e.g. from the ICPC CMS, may be empty

  • name: the name of the team category as shown on the scoreboard

  • hidden (defaults to false): if true, teams in this category will not be shown on the scoreboard

  • sortorder (defaults to 0): the sort order of the team category to use on the scoreboard. Categories with the same sortorder will be grouped together.

Example groups.json:

  "id": "13337",
  "icpc_id": "123",
  "name": "Companies",
  "hidden": true
}, {
  "id": "47",
  "name": "Participants"
}, {
  "id": "23",
  "name": "Spectators"

To import the file using the jury interface, go to Import / export, select groups under Import JSON / YAML, select your file and click Import.

To import the file using the API run the following command:

http --check-status -b -f POST "<API_URL>/users/groups" json@groups.json

Using the legacy TSV format

Prepare a file called groups.tsv which contains the team categories. The first line should contain File_Version 1 (tab-separated). Each of the following lines must contain the following elements separated by tabs:

  • the category ID. Must be unique

  • the name of the team category as shown on the scoreboard

Example groups.tsv:

File_Version   1
13337        Companies
47   Participants
23   Spectators

To import the file using the jury interface, go to Import / export, select groups under Tab-separated import, select your file and click Import.

To import the file using the API run the following command:

http --check-status -b -f POST "<API_URL>/users/groups" tsv@groups.tsv

Importing team affiliations


The team TSV import automatically imports team affiliations as well.

Prepare a file called organizations.json which contains the affiliations. It should be a JSON array with objects, each object should contain the following fields:

  • id: the external affiliation ID. Must be unique

  • icpc_id (optional): an external ID, e.g. from the ICPC CMS, may be empty

  • name: the affiliation short name as used in the jury interface and certain exports

  • formal_name: the affiliation name as used on the scoreboard

  • country: the country code in form of ISO 3166-1 alpha-3

Example organizations.json:

  "id": "INST-42",
  "icpc_id": "42",
  "name": "LU",
  "formal_name": "Lund University",
  "country": "SWE"
}, {
  "id": "INST-43",
  "icpc_id": "43",
  "name": "FAU",
  "formal_name": "Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg",
  "country": "DEU"

To import the file using the jury interface, go to Import / export, select organizations under Import JSON / YAML, select your file and click Import.

To import the file using the API run the following command:

http --check-status -b -f POST "<API_URL>/users/organizations" json@organizations.json

Importing teams

There are two formats to import teams: a JSON format and a legacy TSV format.

Using JSON

Prepare a file called teams.json which contains the teams. It should be a JSON array with objects, each object should contain the following fields:

  • id: the team ID. Must be unique

  • icpc_id (optional): an external ID, e.g. from the ICPC CMS, may be empty

  • group_ids: an array with one element: the category ID this team belongs to

  • name: the team name as used in the web interface

  • members (optional): Members of the team as one long string

  • display_name (optional): the team display name. If provided, will display this instead of the team name in certain places, like the scoreboard

  • organization_id: the external ID of the team affiliation this team belongs to

Example teams.json:

  "id": "1",
  "icpc_id": "447047",
  "group_ids": ["24"],
  "name": "¡i¡i¡",
  "organization_id": "INST-42"
}, {
  "id": "2",
  "icpc_id": "447837",
  "group_ids": ["25"],
  "name": "Pleading not FAUlty",
  "organization_id": "INST-43"

To import the file using the jury interface, go to Import / export, select teams under Import JSON / YAML, select your file and click Import.

To import the file using the API run the following command:

http --check-status -b -f POST "<API_URL>/users/teams" json@teams.json

Using the legacy TSV format

Prepare a file called teams2.tsv which contains the teams. The first line should contain File_Version    2 (tab-separated). Each of the following lines must contain the following elements separated by tabs:

  • the team ID. Must be unique

  • an external ID, e.g. from the ICPC CMS, may be empty

  • the category ID this team belongs to

  • the team name as used in the web interface

  • the institution name as used on the scoreboard

  • the institution short name as used in the jury interface and certain exports

  • a country code in form of ISO 3166-1 alpha-3

  • an external institution ID, e.g. from the ICPC CMS, may be empty

Example teams2.tsv:

File_Version   2
1    447047  24      ¡i¡i¡   Lund University LU      SWE     INST-42
2    447837  25      Pleading not FAUlty     Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg       FAU     DEU     INST-43

To import the file using the jury interface, go to Import / export, select teams under Tab-separated import, select your file and click Import.

To import the file using the API run the following command:

http --check-status -b -f POST "<API_URL>/users/teams" tsv@teams2.tsv

Importing accounts

There are two formats to import accounts: a YAML format and a legacy TSV format.

Using YAML

Prepare a file called accounts.yaml which contains the accounts. It should be a YAML array with objects, each object should contain the following fields:

  • id: the account ID. Must be unique

  • username: the account username. Must be unique

  • password: the password to use for the account

  • type: the user type, one of team, judge, admin or balloon, jury will be interpret as judge

  • team_id: (optional) the external ID of the team this account belongs to

  • name: (optional) the full name of the account

  • ip (optional): IP address to link to this account

Example accounts.yaml:

- id: team001
  username: team001
  password: P3xm33imve
  type: team
  name: team001

- id: team002
  username: team002
  password: qd4WHeJXbd
  type: team
  name: team002

- id: john
  username: john
  password: Uf4PYRA7mJ
  type: judge
  name: John Doe


You can also use a JSON file instead of YAML. Make sure to name it accounts.json in that case.

To import the file using the jury interface, go to Import / export, select accounts under Import JSON / YAML, select your file and click Import.

To import the file using the API run the following command:

http --check-status -b -f POST "<API_URL>/users/accounts" yaml@accounts.yaml

Using the legacy TSV format

Prepare a file called accounts.tsv which contains the team credentials. The first line should contain accounts  1 (tab-separated). Each of the following lines must contain the following elements separated by tabs:

  • the user type, one of team, judge, admin or balloon, jury will be interpret as judge

  • the full name of the user

  • the username

  • the password

  • (optional) the IP address to the user

Example accounts.tsv:

accounts     1
team team001 team001 P3xm33imve
team team002 team002 qd4WHeJXbd
judge        John Doe        john    Uf4PYRA7mJ

To import the file using the jury interface, go to Import / export, select accounts under Tab-separated import, select your file and click Import.

To import the file using the API run the following command:

http --check-status -b -f POST "<API_URL>/users/accounts" tsv@accounts.tsv

Importing contest metadata

Prepare a file called contest.yaml which contains the contest information.

Example contest.yaml:

id:                         practice
name:                       DOMjudge open practice session
start_time:                 2020-04-30T10:00:00+01:00
duration:                   2:00:00
scoreboard_freeze_duration: 0:30:00
penalty_time:               20


You can also use a JSON file instead of YAML. Make sure to name it contest.json in that case.

To import the file using the jury interface, go to Import / export, then Contest -> Import JSON / YAML, select your file under File and click Import.

To import the file using the API run the following commands:

http --check-status -b -f POST "<API_URL>/contests" yaml@contest.yaml

This call returns the new contest ID, which you need to import problems.

Importing problem metadata

Prepare a file called problems.yaml which contains the problemset information.

Example problems.yaml:

- id:     hello
  label:  A
  name:   Hello World
  color:  Orange
  rgb:    '#FF7109'

- id:     boolfind
  label:  B
  name:   Boolfind
  color:  Forest Green
  rgb:    '#008100'


You can also use a JSON file instead of YAML. Make sure to name it problems.json in that case.

To import the file using the jury interface, go to Import / export, then Problems -> Import JSON / YAML, select your file under File and click Import.

To import the file using the API run the following commands:

http --check-status -b -f POST "<API_URL>/contests/<CID>/problems" data@problems.yaml

Replace <CID> with the contest ID that was returned when importing the contest metadata.

Importing problems

Prepare your problems in the ICPC problem format and create a ZIP file for each problem.

To import the file using the jury interface, go to Problems, select the contest you want to import the problems into, select your file under Problem archive(s) and click Upload.

To import the file using the API run the following command:

http --check-status -b -f POST "<API_URL>/contests/<CID>/problems" problem="<PROBID>"

Replace <CID> with the contest ID that the previous command returns and <PROBID> with the problem ID (you can get that from the web interface or the API).

Putting all API imports together

If you prepare your contest configuration as we described in the previous subsections, you can also use the script that we provide in misc-tools/

Call it from your contest folder like this:

misc-tools/ <API_URL>

Importing from ICPC CMS API

DOMjudge also offers a direct import/refresh of teams from the ICPC CMS API from within the DOMjudge web interface. You need a a team category named ‘Participants’ where they will be placed and a ICPC Web Services Token.

To create a Web Services Token, log into the ICPC CMS and click “Export > Web Services Tokens”. Make sure you add the scopes “Export”, “Standings Upload”, and “MyICPC”. Under the Import / Export menu, enter the token as specified. Use the contest abbreviation and year as Contest ID (see the URL in the ICPC CMS).

Based on the ‘ICPC ID’, teams and their affiliations will be added if they do not exist or updated when they do. Teams will be set to ‘enabled’ if their ICPC CMS status is ‘ACCEPTED’, of disabled otherwise. Affiliations are not updated or deleted even when all teams cancel.