Appendix: Quick installation checklist


This is not a replacement for the thorough installation instructions, but more a cheat-sheet for those who’ve already installed DOMjudge before and need a few hints. When in doubt, always consult the full installation instruction.


  • Install the MySQL- or MariaDB-server and set a root password for it.

  • Install either nginx or Apache and PHP.

  • Make sure PHP works for the web server and command line scripts.

  • Extract the source tarball and run ./configure --with-baseurl=<url> && make domserver.

  • Run sudo make install-domserver to install the system.

  • Install the MySQL database using e.g. bin/dj_setup_database -u root -r install.

  • For Apache: add etc/apache.conf to your Apache configuration and add etc/domjudge-fpm.conf to your PHP FPM pool directory, edit it to your needs, reload web server

    sudo ln -s <DOMSERVER_INSTALL_PATH>/etc/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/domjudge.conf
    sudo ln -s <DOMSERVER_INSTALL_PATH>/etc/domjudge-fpm.conf /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/domjudge.conf
    sudo a2enmod proxy_fcgi setenvif rewrite
    sudo a2enconf php7.4-fpm domjudge
    sudo service php7.4-fpm reload
    sudo service apache2 reload
  • For nginx: add etc/nginx-conf to your nginx configuration and add etc/domjudge-fpm.conf to your PHP FPM pool directory, edit it to your needs, reload web server

    sudo ln -s <DOMSERVER_INSTALL_PATH>/etc/nginx-conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/domjudge
    sudo ln -s <DOMSERVER_INSTALL_PATH>/etc/domjudge-fpm.conf /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/domjudge.conf
    sudo service php7.4-fpm reload
    sudo service nginx reload
  • Check that the web interface works (/team, /public and /jury).

  • Check that the API (/api) works and create credentials for the judgehosts.

  • Create teams, user accounts and add useful contest data.

  • Run the config checker in the jury web interface.


  • Extract the source tarball and run ./configure --with-baseurl=<url> && make judgehost.

  • Run sudo make install-judgehost to install the system.

  • Create one or more unprivileged users: sudo useradd -d /nonexistent -U -M -s /bin/false domjudge-run-2.

  • Add to /etc/sudoers.d/ or append to /etc/sudoers the sudoers configuration as in etc/sudoers-domjudge.

  • Set up cgroup support: enable kernel parameters in /etc/default/grub and reboot, then run systemctl enable create-cgroups --now to create cgroups for DOMjudge.

  • Put the right credentials in the file etc/restapi.secret.

  • Create the pre-built chroot tree: sudo bin/dj_make_chroot

  • Start the judge daemon: either manually with bin/judgedaemon -n 2 or as a service with systemctl enable --now domjudge-judgedaemon@2.

Submit client

  • Install the provided submit in your path and on the team machines.

  • Add a .netrc file with valid team credentials.

  • Run submit --help to see if it can connect successfully.

Checking if it works

It should be done by now. As a check that (almost) everything works, the set of test sources can be submitted on the DOMserver, on a system that has a working submit client installed:

cd tests
make check

Then, in the main jury web interface, select the admin link judging verifier to automatically verify most of the test sources. Read the test sources for a description of what should (not) happen.